lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2009


Un día me di cuenta de que podía utilizar la posición de los dedos del acorde de SI en cualquier punto de la guitarra, lo que se conoce como ''power chord'' o quinta.

Y así, tras entender cómo se tocan canciones como “Louie Louie” de los Kingsmen, “Wild Thing” de los Troggs y “My Best Friend´s Girl” de los Cars, pensé que para convertirme en una estrella de rock famosa , debía escribir mis PROPIAS canciones en lugar de perder el tiempo aprendiendo las de otros, porque estudiar demasiado la música de los demás puede ser un obstáculo para el desarrollo del propio estilo personal . Alguien me dijo que hay escuelas de guitarra en todo el mundo , donde te enseñan a ser el típico héroe comercial , malo y sin originalidad , con estrellas dibujadas en los ojos.

Hummm, supongo que lo que intento decir es lo siguiente: la teoría es una pérdida de tiempo. La escala dórica es para chicos técnicamente anales con malos valores. Crea tu propia música. Eric Clapton toca blues polvorientos de escaso valor. Demasiado ensayo es como demasiado azúcar . El genio del pop rock actual estadunidense es Weird Al Yankovic. Haz lo tuyo a tu modo como otros lo hacen al suyo propio . Si copias demasiado te encontrarás un día en el limbo de los bares musicales abiertos hasta altas horas de la noche, tocando en una orquesta que se dedica a hacer puras versiones ajenas , puros covers .
Reservoir Books, 2006


For years, Kurt was plagued by chronic stomach problems. Here he complains about them, non-stop.

It's been three weeks and the stomach pains are getting worse. At first I thought it was the raunchy Mexican food I ate at Tortilla Flats but now I'm thinking it's something else. I'm now up to a box of Malox a day. I went to the doctor and he said I should take some pain killers. I hate those things. I know I'll get addicted. I get addicted to everything. I just weaned myself off of Fruity Pebbles. That was a nightmare. I told Courtney to hide the cereal boxes and to go grocery shopping for me so I wouldn't have to go down the cereal aisle. Courtney is no help. Ever since she stopped taking H she's been hitting the Captain Crunch pretty bad. Her face is badly broken out. I don't know what to do. I feel despair every day like I'm at the bottom of a large cereal box looking out. I have a recurring nightmare where I'm the prize in the cereal box and a kid's hand reaches into the box to get me out and I have to dodge it. Maybe I'll go back on heroine. At least that way I won't have anymore nightmares.

Here, Kurt talks about rehab.

People think I'm a junky because I like heroine. That's not the case. It's because I have gastric distress. I've tried everything. My doctors say my eating habits are atrocious. So what? A friend of mine has been eating Twinkies for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the past five years and I haven't heard one complaint out of her. It's not fair. Why is it that she's blessed with a stomach of iron and I get this piece of crap? So I've been using H to dull the pain. Now I'm in rehab with Courtney. She said she had stomach problems too but it turns out that she's pregnant. I don't think I can be a dad. What if my child inherits this stomach problem?

After a doctor suggests that his stomach ailment is due to heroin use, Kurt wrote this letter to him.

I can't believe you have the audacity to claim that my heroine use is the cause of my stomach problems. The pain isn't there when I do it, hence the heroine isn't the problem. You're the Kajagoogoo of the doctor's world. You're unoriginal. You're a one-hit wonder. Prescribe something to help and then we'll talk.

For years, Kurt was plagued by chronic stomach problems. Here he complains about them, non-stop.

It's been three weeks and the stomach pains are getting worse. At first I thought it was the raunchy Mexican food I ate at Tortilla Flats but now I'm thinking it's something else. I'm now up to a box of Malox a day. I went to the doctor and he said I should take some pain killers. I hate those things. I know I'll get addicted. I get addicted to everything. I just weaned myself off of Fruity Pebbles. That was a nightmare. I told Courtney to hide the cereal boxes and to go grocery shopping for me so I wouldn't have to go down the cereal aisle. Courtney is no help. Ever since she stopped taking H she's been hitting the Captain Crunch pretty bad. Her face is badly broken out. I don't know what to do. I feel despair every day like I'm at the bottom of a large cereal box looking out. I have a recurring nightmare where I'm the prize in the cereal box and a kid's hand reaches into the box to get me out and I have to dodge it. Maybe I'll go back on heroine. At least that way I won't have anymore nightmares.

Here, Kurt talks about rehab.

People think I'm a junky because I like heroine. That's not the case. It's because I have gastric distress. I've tried everything. My doctors say my eating habits are atrocious. So what? A friend of mine has been eating Twinkies for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the past five years and I haven't heard one complaint out of her. It's not fair. Why is it that she's blessed with a stomach of iron and I get this piece of crap? So I've been using H to dull the pain. Now I'm in rehab with Courtney. She said she had stomach problems too but it turns out that she's pregnant. I don't think I can be a dad. What if my child inherits this stomach problem?

After a doctor suggests that his stomach ailment is due to heroin use, Kurt wrote this letter to him.

I can't believe you have the audacity to claim that my heroine use is the cause of my stomach problems. The pain isn't there when I do it, hence the heroine isn't the problem. You're the Kajagoogoo of the doctor's world. You're unoriginal. You're a one-hit wonder. Prescribe something to help and then we'll talk.


lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009


Un joven jardinero persa dice a su príncipe:

-¡Sálvame! Encontré a la Muerte esta mañana. Me hizo un gesto de amenaza. Esta noche, por un milagro, quisiera estar en Ispahán.

El bondadoso príncipe le presta sus caballos. Por la tarde, el príncipe encuentra a la Muerte y le pregunta:

-Esta mañana ¿por qué hiciste a nuestro joven jardinero un gesto de amenaza?

-No fue un gesto de amenaza -le responde la Muerte - sino un gesto de sorpresa, pues lo veía lejos de Ispahán esta mañana y debo tomarlo esta noche en Ispahán.